Why the name "Braindiva-rides-again?"

I used to be known to other parents and some colleagues as the "braindiva."  This was a nickname I adopted because I puzzle over brains and behavior.  When I chose the "braindiva" moniker, those who knew my advocacy work seemed to think it fit, and immediately adopted it. That was about ten years ago.

In the interim, I've been getting my feet wet as a high school teacher of math and science -- a whole different world.

I have been pretty careful to keep my teaching and advocacy roles separate, and will continue to do so.  Some of my views may be controversial to some people.  They are based on compelling experiences and the ensuing research.  I hope this blog offers useful resources to other parents and teachers.  I do not wish to be controversial -- just to offer my own experiences.

Recently I have felt the need to re-emerge as an advocate.  I've had about six years to integrate my experiences as mom, wife, person with depression, and (closet) advocate with those of teaching. I'm ready to say something to the world.  Braindiva rides again!

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